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Morning tips for a nice day

Morning tips for a nice day
Good morning - Tips for a good start to the day
If your health is important and who is willing to adopt certain nutritional rules, breakfast can be the first step in getting rid of weight problems and excess body fat.

The body receives the necessary energy for the day by the supply of carbohydrate-rich food, which releases its energy potential (glucose) only slowly. For example, a cereal is the best way to start a longday at work.

Abandoning breakfast slows down your metabolism. So if you eat anything in the morning, it makes it difficult for the body to burn accumulated fat.

Taking a high carbohydrate breakfast and low fat is the best way to start the day. The metabolism is stimulated spontaneously, and the body fat percentage will settle on a healthy level in the long term.

A good and healthy breakfast raises the blood sugar level and brings the brain cells in top form. Many studies show that a properly assembled breakfast promotes the process of creating and recovering memories and understanding and coordinating complex information.

Concentration and attention
If you start the day without breakfast, your professional success is also at stake. International research has shown that people who regularly eat breakfast are less involved in work-related accidents than those who rarely or never have breakfast. In order to boost concentration and avoid fatigue, the brain needs food to stay fit and alert.

The slow release of carbohydrates causes a feeling of fullness and contentment in humans, which above all prevents them from having to fight cravings with sweets and high-calorie snacks later in the day.

Unfortunately, not enough is known that the right food - so-called "Moodfood" - plays an important role in our diet. Who supplies the body and especially the brain with the right nutrients at the right time - for example, a carbohydrate-rich breakfast with little fat - can start the day in the best mood.

A healthy breakfast is the best stress breaker! To overcome the challenges and problems of the day, serotonin-enhancing carbohydrates and vitamin B complex such as multigrain bread and oatmeal are the right breakfast program. Caffeine - especially in coffee - should be avoided. It leads to increased nervousness and additional irritation.

The body is up to 90% water and that's why it's so important that we drink a lot and regularly. Everyone should start the day with large amounts of water, unsweetened or diluted fruit juices or light teas. And during the day you should drink at least 8 glasses of water.

immune system
Those who start the day with a rich breakfast of vitamins A and C as well as zinc also stabilizes their immune system. Citrus fruits, berries, melon, eggs, unsweetened cereals, wheat germ and oatmeal make breakfast perfect.

For more info to make life happy and Healthy morning tips for everyone free visit our blog Here :
Morning tips for a nice day Morning tips for a nice day Reviewed by Easy Life on June 29, 2019 Rating: 5

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