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How to sleep easily

How to sleep easily
Sleep easily at night , just follow these simple steps and helpful awesome tips .

Have a light dinner:

You should eat a light dinner, because it is difficult to digest heavy meals, which cause difficulty in digestion, and therefore the difficulty of sleep, and advised not to go to sleep in the case of hunger, because it keeps the person awake, and light foods that are preferred: banana, They help sleep better.

Avoid caffeine:

Caffeine-containing foods such as chocolates and ice cream should be avoided because they are more difficult to sleep. Caffeine also increases the amount of chatelaine's, which increases the body's energy, increases heart rate, leads to constriction of blood vessels, Therefore caffeine intake should be minimized, specifically coffee.

Commitment to specific sleep protein:

People can sleep easily, by adhering to a specific sleep regime, by going to bed at the same time every night, and committing to it even on holidays, holidays and other days. This helps keep the biological sleep clock , Thus can easily sleep every night.

Stay away from smoking:

A study showed that smokers do not feel comfortable during sleep. Researchers at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine say the catalytic effect of nicotine causes sleep difficulties. Smoking causes sleeping breathing problems by interrupting the same sleeper, Breathing like asthma, so you should stop smoking, to enjoy a quiet and comfortable sleep.

Adjust the bedroom:

The room should be set at an appropriate temperature. Studies have shown that low room temperature helps to sleep easily, quickly, and for a long time. It is recommended that the room temperature range from 65 to 72 degrees. The person can also determine the most comfortable temperature for him, TV and computer must be closed before going to sleep. Their presence reduces the quality of sleep and leads to insomnia . The brain remains in a state of alert. The body does not get enough rest.

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How to sleep easily How to sleep easily Reviewed by Easy Life on July 01, 2019 Rating: 5

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