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How to Have a Happy Life and Practical Steps to Reduce Stress

How to Have a Happy Life and Practical Steps to Reduce Stress
A fit body in addition to the results of a healthy lifestyle is also supported by our expertise to avoid stress. Usually stress arises as a result of overly hoping for something and not being achieved so that it makes deep regret. Even though according to one wise advice, "There was no day that was wasted for those who surrendered themselves today." The essence of this message is, never regret what has happened, and keep up the spirit of welcoming today, and so on.

Stress can also arise due to fatigue due to overcrowding. The body is forced to carry out activities more than its capacity but rest does not suit its needs.
Easy Ways to Avoid Stress, Live Life As It Is
There are many ways you can avoid stress, from simple methods to expensive medical treatments. If it's not too late to get heavy stress, it's good to learn easy and practical ways to avoid the following stresses:

1. Avoid excessive worry and increase positive thoughts

Worrying can trigger excessive stress. Feelings of worry usually arise from being busy with the "what if" scenario and other bad things. This anxiety can suck up emotional energy, make anxiety levels soar, and interfere with daily life. You can train your brain to stay calm and see life from a more balanced perspective if you want to keep improving.

2. Live relaxed as you are and don't think that is not
Thinking that is not and does not necessarily occur can increase anxiety (just as worrying for nightmares during sleep often keep you awake). Positive beliefs about worries can be even more damaging. It's hard to break the habit of worrying if you believe that concern remains within the mind. To stop these worries and anxieties, you must realize that worrying is the problem, not the solution, you can regain control of the worrying mind.

3. Don't be greedy, jealousy and envy will belong to others
Greed is as bad as jealousy and envy. You must be happy with what you have and not be jealous of what other people have. Greed, jealousy, and envy will not make life better. If you are greedy, you will not get anything you don't want in life because you will always be worried about what you don't have in life. You must be happy with what you get in life

4. Quickly "move on", always thinking ahead, not into the past
Many people say that it is very important to remember the things that you have done in the past so that you can have a guide to what life will be in the future. Indeed, history is nothing but the past. What has been done in the past has no role to play in the future. We all have done something or through a situation that we are not proud of or like, which is part of life.

Change mindset, quickly "move on". If the mind focuses on negative things that have happened in the past, life will move in a negative direction. Your life moves toward that dominant mind, so whatever you think and focus on is what life and emotions will follow. Instead of setting the focus for the future, you are trapped and think of all the negative things that have happened in the past.

Do This Step, If Stress Symptoms Start Attacking, Don't Get Too Late
Young people must have creative ways to move forward and be smart in managing themselves so as not to be stressed. everything is happy, but as a generation with the smallest responsibility we should not experience the most stress. To avoid stress, especially if there are symptoms that attack us, the following practical steps can be done:

1. Maintain a healthy diet
Consuming fresh ingredients and lots of fruit is very important. Juices filled with vitamin C, such as orange juice or grapefruit, besides being good for the immune system can also help deal with stress. Many busy people are easily tempted to consume fast food that is not healthy if it is excessive. Avoid and combine with the fruit earlier.

2. Routine exercise training
Exercise at least once a week is the best way to reduce stress. This exercise routine helps the body produce endorphins, which make you feel comfortable. Even walking 30 minutes a day can help reduce stress levels. Joining a sports club can also help deal with stress because you can contact regularly with other people who will help improve your mood.
3. Meditation
It may sound simple, but sitting still for 10 minutes a day is effective enough to help reduce stress levels. If you've never tried meditation before, it's a good idea to try it. A good breathing technique can also put you in a more relaxed state that makes oxygen flow more smoothly through the bloodstream, which can help soothe.

4. Rest regularly
Short breaks between work can help reduce stress. Weekend holidays are also great for relaxing. Take time to have fun for yourself so that when you get back to work, your body feels refreshed.

5. Distribute hobbies, such as raising pets
Spending time with pets is good for health, for example raising birds singing love birds. Spending a few minutes with this hobby makes the body release hormones that make you feel happy and can reduce stress levels in the body system.
Stress Effects on Your Body

Some stressful conditions such as traffic jams, late attending important meetings, often we encounter everyday. Unconsciously the body will reflexively send commands: Send stress hormones! This stress hormone is the same as the condition that triggers the response "fight or flight" (run or opponent) on the body. The heart beats fast, breathing gets faster, and the muscles are ready for action. This response is designed to protect the body in an emergency by preparing you to react quickly. But when the stress response continues to attack, day after day, it can endanger health. The following are the effects:

·         Health problems such as headaches, rapid breathing, weakening of the immune system, palpitations
·         Various internal diseases such as high blood sugar, high blood pressure, abdominal pain, risk of heart attack, insomnia occur
·         Sexual dysfunction such as erectile dysfunction, fertility problems, low sex drive
Stress is a natural physical and mental reaction to the activities of daily life. Everyone can experience stress from time to time. Whatever your daily responsibilities such as work and family can trigger stress. If for a moment the stress response can be beneficial to the body because it can help overcome potentially serious situations. The body responds to stress by releasing hormones that increase breathing, heart rate and make the muscles respond quickly. But if the stress response does not stop this stress level remains high, which actually disrupts health.

Chronic Stress Symptoms to Watch Out for
Chronic stress can cause various symptoms and affect overall health. These chronic stress symptoms include: irritability, anxiety, depression, headaches and insomnia. Under stressful conditions, the central nervous system and endocrine are responsible for the "fight or flight" response.
There is a part of the brain called the hypothalamus that tells the adrenal gland to release the stress hormone adrenaline and cortisol. This hormone increases the heart rate and sends blood to flow to the areas that need it most in an emergency, such as muscles, heart, and other important organs. If the fear that is felt is gone, the hypothalamus must tell all systems to return to normal.

If this body and brain system fails to return to normal, or if the cause of stress is not lost, the response will continue. Chronic stress is also triggered by behavioral factors such as overeating or not eating enough, alcohol or drug abuse, and unhealthy social conditions.

Don't Forget Holidays
Not taking life too seriously can help everyone lead a better and easier life. Take time for yourself, get out of stressful activities and rest. It's time we accept the fact that we can achieve life without stress.

How to Have a Happy Life and Practical Steps to Reduce Stress How to Have a Happy Life and Practical Steps to Reduce Stress Reviewed by Easy Life on June 22, 2019 Rating: 5

1 comment:

  1. These are really amazing techniques. I tried and it works for me. but to get more effective results also start taking herbal supplements for stress.


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