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About the worst types of foods for kidneys

About the worst types of foods for kidneys:

One of the most common problems facing the kidneys is the formation of gravel, where many people suffer from kidney stones even without their knowledge, and can not be observed this problem only when the aggravation and increase the size of gravel, and the causes of the formation of gravel or increase in size eating some foods that Are considered healthy.

The worst bad food for kidneys:


Spinach is believed to contain oxalate, which acts to form calcium crystals in the kidneys. These crystals can be converted into kidney stones. Spinach is recommended to be avoided by people with kidney stones.


tomatoes contain a large amount of oxalate as well, and despite the many benefits of tomatoes, but is not the best option for people with kidney stones, and to reduce the amount of this article prefer to get rid of the seeds of tomatoes when taken.


Although different types of tea are useful and contain important nutrients, they are not a good option for people with kidney stones. Daily tea intake can increase the size of the kidney stones.

Sea ​​food:

Sea foods contain high protein content or so-called aborigine. The increase in the body's content means increased uric acid. This increases the kidney stones problems, if any, and therefore avoids seafood or protein-rich foods. generally.

Salty foods:

The salt is an unhealthy substance and it is best to keep away from it even without kidney stones. However, with gravel , it is better to be careful to eat salty foods. The increase in sodium increases calcium production to the maximum. Calcium can adhere to oxalate and kidney stones. Or increases their size.

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About the worst types of foods for kidneys About the worst types of foods for kidneys Reviewed by Easy Life on July 04, 2019 Rating: 5

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