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Detect foods that promote vaginal health

Detect foods that promote vaginal health

Women worry about many of the health issues associated with them, including vaginal health, what foods are best suited to it ?

An Australian nutritionist (Lyndi Cohen) revealed that the vagina's good health starts from the diet of women.

Lindy pointed out that food affects all members of the body, and that some foods maintain the health of the vagina and help women to enjoy a good sex life with her husband.

Lindy said eating the right food would keep the vagina moist and promote a woman's sexual desire .

This means that you have to focus on three main nutrients, vitamins A , C and E, which are found in colored fruits andvegetables.

Eating sweet potatoes , carrots, or orange fruits and vegetables that contain high levels of vitamin A helps promote sexual life.

The tomatoes , which contain high levels of the antioxidant lycopene (Lycopene) helps in the fight against various diseases and helps women to reach orgasm in sexual relations.

Lindy explained a number of vegetables and fruits that are important for vaginal health and marital life for women:

Garlic :

Contains many different antioxidants that help protect the vagina from various diseases.

Maintains the health of the vagina because it contains the pro bio tics.


Known for its anti-inflammatory properties and its containment of omega-3, which helps to relieve menstrual pain.

Green Tea: 

Contains antioxidants that reduce the incidence of urinary tract infections .
In contrast, Lindy stressed the need to avoid foods high in sugars that work on imbalance of hormones, in addition to the need to reduce high foods high in fat.

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Detect foods that promote vaginal health Detect foods that promote vaginal health Reviewed by Easy Life on July 03, 2019 Rating: 5

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