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Living with your mother in one house may reduce your fertility

Living with your mother in one house may reduce your fertility

If you live in the same house with your mother-in-law, this study is for you ,
NEW YORK (ReutersHealth) - Women living with their mother-in-law in one home may have fewer children than those living in a separate home, according to a new study by researchers at the University of Vienna recently published in The Journal Royal Society Open Science.

The study comes to refute controversially what many previous studies have suggested about the fact that the daughter's residence with her mother-in-law in the same home may encourage women to have more children.

The findings came after analyzing information from nearly 2.5 million women around the world, where researchers found that fertility levels were low in women who lived with the mother-in-law in the same household.

The researchers attributed this to the fact that in most cases, women lived with their mother or mother-in-law only when they were relatively young, that is to say, that they also had children to raise them. The process of raising grandmothers takes precedence over raising their grandchildren, The woman has the right to have children because she may feel that she will not receive sufficient educational support from her mother-in-law or her mother.

It should be noted that the information analyzed was collected from nearly 14 countries around the world, including Iraq, the United States of America and Argentina.

It is clear to the researchers that the differences are large among these communities. While it was found that approximately 1.47% of American women live with the protectors, this percentage increased in countries such as Iraq, to show that 53% of married women were sharing the same house with the family of the husband Including the protectors.

Several previous studies (German and British) have pointed to the exact opposite of these results, showing that living with the husband's family was raising fertility levels and increasing the number of births per family.

Living with your mother in one house may reduce your fertility Living with your mother in one house may reduce your fertility Reviewed by Easy Life on July 03, 2019 Rating: 5

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