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How to promote mental health at work place

How to promote mental health at work place

To promote and develop your mental health in the work environment, it is essential to pay attention to the following aspects of your organizational routine: communicating, resilience and positive attitudes.
Mental mentally strong people usually have a high level of self-realization in the corporate environment, and the best way to measure how your mental health progresses is by reflecting on how satisfied its level of performance is within the company and on its relationships like colleagues, clients and managers.

1-Sayings to promote mental health at work

Know that autoconfiguration is the key
The more the professional can know to look for himself and recognize his own limitations, difficulties, abilities and positive points, but he will have a real dimension of what motivates him and the coisses that impede his development. Exercise is essential to meet and, asim, to go back to your true professional goals, avoiding road diversions and waste of time as coisas that do not add anything to professional life. Self-knowledge and focus are closely related.

2-Aanalize your energy in positive actions

Do not spend time and energy on gossip, claims and negative thoughts. As soon as you focus your attention on unpleasant situations and do not take somebody, it ends up performing important tasks and places your development in the background.

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3-Resilient seat

Resilience is capable of transforming difficult situations into challenging stimulants. Profissionais that we have such a characteristic we can keep emotional control in front of the problems and we know how to deal with the pressure without suffering. To keep mental health in mind, it is essential to have a positive attitude and not suffer from anticipation.

4-Avoid communicating without noise

Communicating in a fluid and assertive way is one of the pillars for a career of success and avoids unnecessary wear and tear. That is because falas in the communication cause loss of time and energy, reflecting negatively on productivity and interpersonal relationships.

5-Seja un professional positive

Being a positive person in the work environment opens doors, improves the environment and helps in the construction of good relationships such as people who live with you daily. Being courteous, being willing to help, work on equitation and know how to influence colleagues in a positive way is essential attitudes to ensure good mental health at work.

6- Develop your Emotional Intelligence

To bring good mental health to work and personal life, it is essential to be aware of their emotions and how they impact on their routine and relationships. Assim, it is possible to avoid that patterns of behavior and limiting beliefs interfere negatively with their productivity and, as a consequence, in their profissional development.
As a matter of course, you have difficulties in managing your career and feel that it is time to do something to optimize your professional performance, know the LOTUS Method - a training of imersion that will contribute so that you conquer more professional stability and become a human being done.

7- Prevention

Every individual should learn how to care for themselves.Starting from being physically active, eating well and getting enough sleep. Physical health can improve your mental health. "Participation in sports can be meditative (especially if done in nature). Participating in sports carried out together fosters a positive sense of togetherness. In addition, if someone tries to be physically fit, usually do not want to use substances or foods that have bad content, "Riba said. Another follow-up effect is on the closest person. When children see their father or mother like physical activity, they will also be motivated to move a lot. Exercise can be a family activity — and is very important.

 8. Reducing stress at work

Stress can cause mental health problems if you have a very hard job. Caring for each other with coworkers can prevent a decline in mental health status, for example by making groups to take a walk at lunch or other recreational activities for a moment off the office. Choosing a healthier snack menu is also possible
improve mood.

9. When stress cannot be handled alone

 According to Riba, if someone starts feeling depressed, the first thing to do is talk to someone who understands, can be a psychiatrist or psychologist. You can also look for employee assistance programs that may be available in the office. People must regularly evaluate themselves and recognize how to overcome them. "Ask other people at home or outside the house to help you. Sometimes things that appear small are very important. For example, eating together while chatting casually, taking the time to discuss without any interference from TV and gadgets," he said.

10. What positive changes can be made?

 Some people have the ability to overcome bad things. Reduce activities that are not good for your mental health, such as watching too much television, constantly being on social media and not communicating with other people. Try turning off the TV after work, enjoying food and talking to friends. "Meditation is very helpful. Yoga, Tai Chi or other therapies can be useful. Try learning something new or take a class. Joining social activities is another good way to get out of yourself," suggested Riba.

11. Know when to ask for help from experts

 If you experience changes in mood for two weeks or more, for example being depressed, sad, and lackluster, you should talk to experts such as psychiatrists or other mental health professionals. "If you regularly worship, and then quit, chances are there is a problem. If you feel very desperate or want to commit suicide, it is time to get expert help," he said. Symptoms of children and adolescents may have different symptoms: They may have a poor record of teachers at school, excessive sleep or loss of interest in normal activities.

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How to promote mental health at work place How to promote mental health at work place Reviewed by Easy Life on June 22, 2019 Rating: 5

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