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Hair dye with natural materials

Hair dye with natural materials


Many women want to change the color of their hair, whether because of the appearance of gray or because of the desire to change shape. She uses beauty salons to change the color of the hair and dye it in several different colors, but these dyes contain chemicals that cause damage, wrinkle hair, and cause dehydration. Therefore there are natural solutions and dyes to dye and color hair inside the house without exposing them to these harmful substances.

Damage of hair dye with chemicals

  • Hair exposure to chemicals in hair dyes causes many problems and damages, including:
  • Scalp irritation.
  • Dry hair and wrinkle.
  • There is a relationship between chemical hair dyes, breast cancer, bladder and blood, according to some scientists, but there is no evidence to prove this information.
  • Hair loss and weakness.

Natural recipes for hair dye

There are many natural pigments that can be prepared at home easily: they work effectively cover the hair impurities in addition to coloring hair, including:

Henna and powder of hope
Used to dye hair naturally and to moisturize hair and nourish it, and its way.

The ingredients:
  • A cup of fresh henna mix .
  • Three teaspoons of Amla powder.
  • A teaspoon of coffee powder .

  • Place the ingredients in a plastic container and mix to get a cohesive mixture with the possibility of adding as little water as needed.
  • Wear the special gloves and put the mixture on the hair completely using the dye brush, and leave the mixture on the hair for an hour or until dry.
  • Wash the hair with a light, non-solvent shampoo.

Black tea
Used to darken hair color, add gloss and vitality to it, and its way:

The ingredients:
  • Two teaspoons of black tea leaves .
  • Cup water.


  • Boil the black tea with water and leave aside until cooled.
  • Put on hair and leave for an hour then wash with cold water without shampoo.
  • Repeat the recipe once or twice a week and then once a month.


Used to darken the hair color and balance the PH level of the scalp, and its way:

The ingredients:

  • Four tablespoons of henna powder.
  • A glass of water.
  • Two teaspoons of black tea leaves.
  • A tablespoon of lemon juice .
  • A large spoon of powder of hope.


  • Soak henna powder in water for 8 hours or for a full night.
  • The next day, boil the black tea leaves in water and leave to ferment for 2 minutes.
  • Leave the tea aside to cool.
  • Add to henna.
  • Add lemon juice and lemon powder.
  • Mix well to get a smooth mixture.
  • Wear special gloves and put the mixture on the hair using a dye brush and leave for an hour or until dry.
  • Wash the hair with a light, non-solvent shampoo.

Lemon and coconut oil

This recipe to hide the hair shave and delay its appearance, because it preserves the melanocytes in hair follicles, and its way is:

The ingredients:

  • A tablespoon of lemon juice.
  • Two tablespoons of coconut oil .


  • Mix the ingredients in a bowl and put directly on the hair and scalp with massage and leave for 30 minutes on the hair.
  • Wash the hair with a light, non-solvent shampoo.
  • Repeat the recipe twice a week.


This recipe for the re-melanin of hair follicle and improve its growth, and to conceal gray, and useful for the health of the scalp, and its way:

The ingredients:

  • A bunch of curry leaves.
  • Three tablespoons of coconut oil.


  • Heat the ingredients in a saucepan until the appearance of a black substance, then leave until it cools.
  • Rub the scalp with the mixture and the entire hair and leave for an hour.
  • Wash the hair with a light, non-solvent shampoo.
  • Repeat the recipe 2-3 times a week.

Peeled potatoes

Used to hide gray hair, and its way:

The ingredients:

  • Peel six fruits of potatoes.
  • Two cups of water.


  • Boil the potato husks until you get a thick starch solution then leave aside until it cools.
  • The liquid is taken and placed in a glass.
  • Wash the hair with this liquid without washing it again.
  • Repeat the recipe once or twice a week.

Black pepper

Used to darken the color of white hair and soften and soften it, and its way:

The ingredients:

  • 2 g of black pepper .
  • A cup of yogurt.


  • Mix the ingredients to get a grayish mixture.
  • Massage the roots of the hair and even the limbs with the mixture and leave for an hour.
  • Wash the hair with a light, non-solvent shampoo.
  • Repeat the recipe 3 times a week.


Chamomile is used to hide gray hair, and its way:


  • Boil the cup an of chamomile tea and set aside until cooled.
  • Rinse hair as a final wash after washing with shampoo and conditioner.
  • Repeat the recipe 2-3 times a week or after each hair wash.

Apple cider vinegar

It is used to hide gray hair; it preserves melanin in hair follicles and also improves the health of the scalp.

The ingredients:

  • 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar .
  • Two cups of water.


  • Apple vinegar is diluted with water in a jug.
  • Put the mixture on the hair and leave for 20 minutes and then wash with light shampoo free of solvate.
  • Repeat the recipe once a week.

Fenugreek seeds

The seeds of the ring are used to prevent early onset of gray hair, and their method:
The ingredients:

  • 1/4 cup of the seeds of the ring.
  • 1/2 cup of coconut oil.


  • Heat the coconut oil in a saucepan until it begins to boil, then add the seeds of the ring and leave until it is heated for 6-8 minutes, then leave the mixture until it cools.
  • The seeds of the ring are taken and the oil is placed in a jug. Two tablespoons of it are taken and the scalp and hair are rubbed and left overnight.
  • The following day the hair is washed with a light, non-solvent shampoo.
  • Repeat the recipe 2-3 times a week.

Honey and coconut oil

This recipe is used to dye and strengthen hair, and to treat scalp damage, and its method is:

The ingredients:

  • 1/2 cup honey.
  • 1/2 cup of coconut oil.


  • Mix the ingredients in a bowl, and put a towel on the shoulders to avoid the mixture getting into the clothes.
  • Divide the hair into pieces and put the mixture on the hair, then leave for 30 minutes.
  • Wash hair with warm water and natural conditioner.
  • Repeat the recipe 3 times a week.

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Hair dye with natural materials Hair dye with natural materials Reviewed by Easy Life on July 06, 2019 Rating: 5

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